Hi there,
Thank you for adding the Nexthink Application Experience browser extension.
With this extension, your IT team can improve the performance of certain business-critical web-based applications.
This involves the collection of important data, such as:
• URLs accessibility
• Number and length of visits
• Page load time
• Errors
Please note that all collected data is entirely anonymized. Data and is collected about performance only, not content. Only specific business applications are monitored.
You can find the complete list of monitored applications by clicking on the extension icon.
Thank you for your support,
– Your IT team
Who is Nexthink?
Nexthink is the leader in digital employee experience management software. The company gives IT leaders unprecedented insight into employees’ daily experiences of technology at the device level – freeing IT to progress from reactive problem solving to proactive optimization. Nexthink enables its more than 1,000 customers to provide better digital experiences to more than 10 million employees. Dual headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland and Boston, Massachusetts, Nexthink has 9 offices worldwide.
Learn more at nexthink.com