Workflow: Hard reset troubleshooting


Workflow: Hard reset troubleshooting

Latest Version:
Released on June 21, 2024

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When you detect a hard reset, you do not actually know the reason. Indeed, employees in your organization often trigger forced shutdowns, but you don't know when or why. You only take remediative action when tickets are raised, and even then, it requires manual investigation and reaching out to the end user to understand why an employee decided to force a device shutdown and ultimately perform a proper root cause analysis and remediation.


Orchestrate the troubleshooting of user-generated hard reset (forced shutdowns) with a real-time workflow triggered after a hard reset event happened. The workflow will collect the appropriate event logs and automatically ask the user to confirm that they initiated the hard reset and why. Depending on their answer, specific remediation will be triggered with an associated ticket to facilitate the support team's troubleshooting process.

Expected value:

This fully hands-off hard reset roubleshooting workflow will:

  • Provide much-needed visibility into employee's reason for forced shutdown to accelerate troubleshooting.
  • Reduce employee frustration related to a hard reset by automating the incident report for them.
  • Save service desk time by reducing manual troubleshooting and automating ticket management.
  • Prevent future tickets by automating a fix or providing the proper root cause to investigate for service desk teams.



  • - 21 Jun 2024 - Initial release




V2023.8 and later